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    Lay Apostolate Ministry

    The DCL‘s (Diocesan Council for the Laity) role and purpose is to promote the effective participation of the laity in the life and mission of the Catholic Diocese of Solwezi. The Council for the Laity comprises of the Council of Catholic Men, the Council of Catholic Women and the Council of Catholic Youth. Its role is to promote effective participation of the laity in the life and mission of the Church. Among the DCL’s objectives is to facilitate the integral formation of a mature laity that fulfils the evangelizing mission. It also coordinates all apostolic lay movements and associations approved by the Catholic Diocese of Solwezi (CDoS).

    STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: Promote active participation of the Laity in the life and mission of the Diocese by 2027.

    STRATEGY: On-going Formation for the Laity

    Conduct meetings, workshops and seminars on issues related to the Lay Apostolate in Deaneries Pastoral Coordinator

    Parish Priests


    On-going Time, Personnel, Funds, Transport, Equipment and Materials Full participation by the laity in the life and mission of Church # of meetings, workshops and seminars conducted
    Establish Lay Apostolate structures at the Deanery and Parish levels Pastoral Coordinator On-going Time, Personnel, Funds, Transport, and Materials Strong Lay Apostolate at Deanery and Parish levels # of Lay Apostolate structures formed at Deanery and Parish levels
    Conduct Diocesan Annual General Meeting for the Laity Pastoral Coordinator Annually Time, Personnel, Funds, Transport, and Materials  Improvement in Lay Apostolate activities in the Diocese # of Diocesan AGM for the Laity held

    # of Lay Apostolate groups attending AGM

    Attend the National Council for Catholic Laity (NCCL) AGM Pastoral Coordinator Annually Time, funds and personnel Time, Personnel, Funds, Transport, and Materials  NCCL AGMs attended # of  NCCL AGMs attended
    Establish an office for Diocesan Council for the Laity (DCL) Bishop By 2018 Time, funds and personnel Time, Personnel, Funds, Transport, Equipment and Materials DCL Office established Enhanced organisation of the Laity affairs  in the Diocese