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    Literacy Programme

    Its aim is to alleviate the high level of illiteracy in the diocese through provision of formal education. The target is adults who do not have the basic knowledge of reading and writing.



    Objective: To increase initial and functional adult literacy in 27 parishes of the Diocese by the end of 2017


    Strategic activity: Facilitate adult education


    Objective: To increase initial and functional adult literacy in 27 parishes of the Diocese by the end of 2017

    Activities Beneficiaries Accountability Expected out come Time Frame
    Conduct a need analysis in parishes Parishioners Gender officer, Parish Priest 28 Parishes visited 5 Years
    Design a programme to meet the initial & functional literacy needs       ‘’   ‘’ Two (2) programmes designed


    5 Years
    Establish literacy centres in all parishes      ‘’ Gender Officer, Parish priest, officer in Charge- Prisons 3×28 x 5yrs

    420 parishes centres and 8 Prison centres

    5 Years
    Conduct TOTs for animators Animators Gender Officer, Parish priest, officer in Charge- Prisons 420 animators trained 5 Years
    Constitute teams of translators of teaching & learning  materials in three (3) major languages Animators




    Gender Officer & Parish priest


    3 teams one per language

    Zone constituted


    5 Years
    Facilitate compiling, editing & printing of teaching & learning materials Animators Gender Officer & Parish priest


    8,400 teaching & learning material printed 5 years
    Purchase and distribution of teaching and learning materials      ‘’ Gender Officer & Parish priest


    Non-perishable & perishable T/L materials purchased and distributed to centre 5 years
    Zonal animators review      ‘’ Gender Officer & Parish priest


    5 Review meeting conducted 5 years
    Exchange learners visits Animators


    Gender Officer 5 Provinces visited one year 5 years
    Monitoring and Evaluation Parishioners Gender Desk Officer 28 parishes & 8 Prison monitored 5 years